“Mercilessly annihilate fascist saboteurs”

Soviet World War II poster

“The West – road to victory!”

Soviet World War II poster

“To the West!”

Soviet World War II poster

“Every swing of the hummer strikes the enemy”

Soviet World War II poster

“The more metal – the more weapons!”

Soviet World War II poster

“Transport is the own brother of Red Army”

Soviet World War II poster

“The people and the army are invincible!”

Soviet World War II poster

“Join the army of front-line women. Women-at-arms are soldiers helpers and friends!”

Soviet World War II poster

“We will show the contemptible fascist murderers how Soviet sailor can fight!”

Soviet World War II poster

“Hit harder, son!”

Soviet World War II poster

“Komsomol member should be the hero of the War”

Soviet World War II poster

“We will defend the city of Lenin” (Leningrad)

Soviet World War II poster

“The valiant troops hit the enemy harder! To the West for the full liberation of Soviet land!”

Soviet World War II poster

“One bullet – one German”

Soviet World War II poster